Over 200 years have passed since the fall of the Galactic Empire.
In 212 NA, The island-ship Mag Mel was discovered on the planet Tempest, in the Bard System. Brave and curious visitors from throughout the known galaxy established the town of Sanctum, which would eventually become the capitol of the Mag Mel Union and seat of the Perpetuum.
With the destruction of Tempest in 217 NA, Mag Mel took to the stars. Its path would take it to the Boz System, across the deadly Obsidian Expanse to visit the mysterious Unity of Snow, to the doomed Yana homeworld Ya’raved, and even to the frontlines of the Rend War, to take arms against the Entropic Wrath alongside the Aesir Fleet.
These chapters of the journey have ended, for now – meanwhile, the fight against the forces of Entropy continues…